Electron Documentation1.7.9

Docs / API / window.open Function

window.open Function

Open a new window and load a URL.

When window.open is called to create a new window in a web page, a new instance of BrowserWindow will be created for the url and a proxy will be returned to window.open to let the page have limited control over it.

The proxy has limited standard functionality implemented to be compatible with traditional web pages. For full control of the new window you should create a BrowserWindow directly.

The newly created BrowserWindow will inherit the parent window’s options by default. To override inherited options you can set them in the features string.

window.open(url[, frameName][, features])

Returns BrowserWindowProxy - Creates a new window and returns an instance of BrowserWindowProxy class.

The features string follows the format of standard browser, but each feature has to be a field of BrowserWindow’s options.


window.opener.postMessage(message, targetOrigin)

Sends a message to the parent window with the specified origin or * for no origin preference.

Using Chrome’s window.open() implementation

If you want to use Chrome’s built-in window.open() implementation, set nativeWindowOpen to true in the webPreferences options object.

Native window.open() allows synchronous access to opened windows so it is convenient choice if you need to open a dialog or a preferences window.

This option can also be set on <webview> tags as well:

<webview webpreferences="nativeWindowOpen=yes"></webview>

The creation of the BrowserWindow is customizable via WebContents’s new-window event.

// main process
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  webPreferences: {
    nativeWindowOpen: true
mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', (event, url, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures) => {
  if (frameName === 'modal') {
    // open window as modal
    Object.assign(options, {
      modal: true,
      parent: mainWindow,
      width: 100,
      height: 100
    event.newGuest = new BrowserWindow(options)
// renderer process (mainWindow)
let modal = window.open('', 'modal')

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